Check out 43 Benjamin Franklin Quotes today.
43 Best Benjamin Franklin Quotes

1. “Do you love life? Then do not squander time, for that’s the stuff life is made of.” – Benjamin Franklin

2. “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” – Benjamin Franklin

3. “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” – Benjamin Franklin

4. “I didn’t fail the test, I just found 100 ways to do it wrong.” – Benjamin Franklin

5. “Well done is better than well said.” – Benjamin Franklin

6. “Having been poor is no shame, being ashamed of it is.” – Benjamin Franklin

7. “I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the mean.” – Benjamin Franklin

8. “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” – Benjamin Franklin

9. “Freedom is not a gift bestowed upon us by other men, but a right that belongs to us by the laws of God and nature.” – Benjamin Franklin

10. “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” – Benjamin Franklin
11. “The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason.” – Benjamin Franklin
12. “If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead, either write something worth reading or do things worth writing.” – Benjamin Franklin
13. “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” – Benjamin Franklin
14. “Money has never made a man happy yet, nor will it. The more a man has, the more he wants. Instead of filling a vacuum it makes one.” – Benjamin Franklin
15. “God helps those who help themselves.” – Benjamin Franklin
16. “Do not fear mistakes. You will know failure. Continue to reach out.” – Benjamin Franklin
17. “Work as if you were to live a hundred years. Pray as if you were to die tomorrow.” – Benjamin Franklin
18. “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” – Benjamin Franklin
19. “A slip of the foot you may soon recover, but a slip of the tongue you may never get over.” – Benjamin Franklin
20. “Many people die at twenty-five and aren’t buried until they are seventy-five.” – Benjamin Franklin
21. “Make yourself sheep and the wolves will eat you.” – Benjamin Franklin
22. “When you are finished changing you’re finished.” – Benjamin Franklin
23. “Those things that hurt, instruct.” – Benjamin Franklin
24. “Never ruin an apology with an excuse.” – Benjamin Franklin
25. “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” – Benjamin Franklin
26. “Words may show a man’s wit, actions his meaning.” – Benjamin Franklin
27. “Joy is not in things, it is in us.” – Benjamin Franklin
28. “A good example is the best sermon.” – Benjamin Franklin
29. “He who falls in love with himself will have no rivals.” – Benjamin Franklin
30. “Never confuse motion with action.” – Benjamin Franklin
31. “Motivation is when your dreams put on work clothes.” – Benjamin Franklin
32. “You may delay but time will not.” – Benjamin Franklin
33. “He that can have patience can have what he will.” – Benjamin Franklin
34. “To succeed, jump as quickly at opportunities as you do at conclusions.” – Benjamin Franklin
35. “Lost time is never found again.” – Benjamin Franklin
36. “Here is my creed. I believe in one God, the Creator of the universe. That he governs it bu His Providence. That he ought to be worshipped.” – Benjamin Franklin
37. “Never leave till tomorrow which you can do today.” – Benjamin Franklin
38. “He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.” – Benjamin Franklin
39. “If you want to become rich, never waste your time and money.” – Benjamin Franklin
40. “A penny saved is a penny earned.” – Benjamin Franklin
41. “Energy and persistence conquer all things.” – Benjamin Franklin
42. “He that hath a trade hath an estate; he that hath a calling hath an office of profit and honor.” – Benjamin Franklin
43. “There are three things extremely hard: steel, a diamond, and to know one’s self.” – Benjamin Franklin
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