Check out 22 Leonardo DiCaprio Quotes today.
22 Best Leonardo DiCaprio Quotes
1. “Enough is enough. The truth is our planet’s alarm is now going off and it’s time to wake up and take action.” – Leonardo DiCaprio

2. “When you are given an opportunity to make a film like ‘Body of Lies’ and I would put ‘Blood Diamond’ in the same category of course, you jump at these opportunities.” – Leonardo DiCaprio

3. “My mother is a walking miracle.” – Leonardo DiCaprio

4. “If you want to be successful, respect one rule. Never let failure take control of you.” – Leonardo DiCaprio

5. “Raising awareness on the most pressing environmental issues of our time is more important than ever.” – Leonardo DiCaprio

6. “Wrong connection will give you shock throughout your life but the right one will light up your life.” – Leonardo DiCaprio

7. “I’ve been a pretty lucky man.” – Leonardo DiCaprio

8. “Everybody has gone through something that has changed them in a way that they could never go back to the person they once were.” – Leonardo DiCaprio

9. “The good thing about acting is that it always keeps you on your toes. It’s not like any other job where you can go in and do the same thing as yesterday.” – Leonardo DiCaprio

10. “When I was young, I used to have this thing where I wanted to see everything. I used to think, How can I die without seeing every inch of this world?” – Leonardo DiCaprio

11. “We are all shaped from memories we have as young people.” – Leonardo DiCaprio
12. “Thirty is a very good age for an actor you can play both young and old men.” – Leonardo DiCaprio
13. “Only you and you alone can change your situation. Don’t blame it on anything or anyone.” – Leonardo DiCaprio
14. “I will succeed and nothing in this world is going to stop me.” – Leonardo DiCaprio
15. “It’s business! Leave your emotions at the door.” – Leonardo DiCaprio
16. “I really hate relaxing. I’ve done three movies in a row, worked for two years straight, and to me, idle time is the devil’s workshop. I like to focus on something.” – Leonardo DiCaprio
17. “If you can do what you do best and be happy, you’re further along in life than most people.” – Leonardo DiCaprio
18. “A man’s legacy is determined by how the story ends.” – Leonardo DiCaprio
19. “Be thankful for the hard times, for they have made you.” – Leonardo DiCaprio
20. “Money was always on my mind when I was growing up. So I was always wondering how we were going to afford this and that. Acting seemed to be a shortcut out of the mess.” – Leonardo DiCaprio
21. “I just really love doing what I do.“ – Leonardo DiCaprio
22. “I’m not the kind of person who tries to be cool or trendy, I’m definitely an individual.” – Leonardo DiCaprio
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